Impact Group: Safeguarding Our World from Fire with Advanced Tech Solutions

by IS_Indust

As devastating fires rip through the buildings, casting ominous shadows over the bustling living habitats, lives hang in the balance in unpredictable times. Such scenarios always starkly remind us of the ever-present threat of fire.

To prevent these harrowing experiences, Impact Fire & Safety Appliances Pvt. Ltd., a leading manufacturer headquartered in New Delhi with its manufacturing facility in Greater Noida, India, has emerged. Driven by a resolute commitment to exceeding national and international quality standards, the firm provides a comprehensive range of fire safety equipment designed to meet diverse needs and budgets.

Daring to Realize the Dream by Chance

The story of Impact Fire & Safety Appliances begins with the company’s Founder and Director, Girish Arora, who desired a more fulfilling career path. Girish’s journey toward realizing his dreams began long before his company was established.

Initially aspiring to become a doctor, he faced a significant setback when he battled schizophrenia, which led to three years of stagnation in his life. Reflecting on this challenging period, he remarked, “I ended up wasting three most important years of my life doing nothing while battling a mental condition.” However, his recovery marked the beginning of a new chapter, starting with a humble daily wage of just ₹50 as he distributed newspapers to households.

His entry into the business world was serendipitous rather than planned. One day, while walking down the street, he noticed a banner advertising “walk-in interviews” at a guest house. Intrigued, he decided to explore this opportunity. However, upon arriving, he was promptly asked to leave and return the next day wearing shoes instead of the slippers he had on. Girish took this advice to heart and returned the following day, now appropriately dressed. This small act of determination led him to secure a job as a salesman in a fire safety company. “There was no particular motivation to enter this field. It was an entry by chance,” he later reflected on this pivotal moment in his life.

Despite his initial success as a salesman, Girish found himself yearning for more. Dissatisfied with the limitations of his role, he made a bold decision to sell his two-wheeler scooter to finance the startup of his trading firm focused on fire safety equipment. This venture eventually evolved into Impact Fire & Safety Appliances Private Limited company in 2004, marking a significant turning point in his career. His journey exemplifies the notion that sometimes, the path to success is not a straight line but rather a series of unexpected turns and opportunities that arise when one dares to take a chance.

Innovating Fire Safety Solutions across the Globe

The company, which began with humble beginnings, has grown to become a global player in the fire safety industry. Girish, the visionary behind the company’s success, attributes this growth to its commitment to innovation and customer service. “We have a manufacturing facility in Greater Noida near New Delhi, manufacturing products with national and international quality certifications,” he proudly states.

At the heart of Impact Fire & Safety Appliances’ success lies a guiding philosophy that prioritizes understanding customer needs, innovation, and continuous product development. “We have always believed in working differently than the general market, adding new features to our existing product range, and introducing new innovative products and latest technologies to our customers,” Girish emphasizes. This commitment to innovation has allowed the company to stay ahead of the curve and meet the evolving demands of the fire safety industry.

One key factor that sets the company apart is its focus on understanding customer requirements. “We simply try to understand the customer, innovate, add new products, and provide good customer service,” Girish explains, highlighting the importance of this customer-centric approach.

The company’s dedication to innovation is evident in its product range, which includes a diverse array of fire safety equipment designed to meet the highest standards of quality and performance. “Our products are designed to provide maximum safety and effectiveness, ensuring that our customers can rest assured that their premises are protected,” Girish states confidently.

A Socially Responsible Moralistic Approach

In the rapidly evolving fire and safety solutions landscape, companies are increasingly adopting socially responsible approaches. Girish emphasizes the need to stay adaptable, stating, “We keep ourselves open to the developments happening across the world in our industry, which is ever-changing and dynamic in nature.” This commitment to innovation involves understanding the challenges faced by customers and the broader community.

Listening to customer feedback is central to Girish’s philosophy. He believes in addressing industry problems by educating customers and offering practical solutions. “We listen to the problems in our industry from the customers and try to overcome them,” he explains, fostering trust and positioning the company as a leader in effective fire safety solutions.

The company is also focused on introducing new, cost-effective solutions. Girish highlights the importance of enhancing manufacturing infrastructure through investments in new machinery, technology, and upskilling workers. “Simultaneously, we are enhancing our manufacturing infrastructure by adding new machinery, latest technology, experienced workers, and upskilling our workers,” he notes.

A significant aspect of their moralistic approach is the decision to manufacture carcinogen-free products. Girish reflects on alarming health issues faced by firefighters due to exposure to carcinogens. “When we read reports of deaths and health issues of firefighters due to cancer associated with carcinogens, we decided to sell products that are carcinogen-free,” he states. This commitment protects firefighters’ health and demonstrates the company’s ethical dedication to a healthier society.

By prioritizing firefighter safety, Girish and his team position themselves as responsible industry stewards. They proudly stand as the only firefighting chemical manufacturer in India producing carcinogen-free products. “This ensures that we are ethically inclined towards our contribution to a healthy society and the safety of the firefighters who are the base of the whole industry,” he adds, highlighting the profound impact of their initiatives on both the industry and the community.

Navigating the Fire Safety Landscape: A Price-Conscious Approach

The fire and safety solutions landscape is constantly evolving, yet it remains a price-conscious market in India, as Girish observes. He notes, “Despite the facts known to all of us and fire accidents not sparing both the rich and poor, the Indian market is still not fully evolved.” This reality underscores the need for operational efficiency, which Girish emphasizes by offering value-for-money product models that resonate with the general market. By expanding their product range to include a variety of fire safety equipment, they aim to cater to diverse consumer needs.

Girish believes in providing options across a wide price range to meet the budgets and expectations of various consumers. “We have products across a wide price range to meet the budgets and expectations of a variety of consumers,” he states, highlighting the company’s commitment to accessibility. In addition to standard offerings, the company also focuses on specialized products designed for high-risk industries, such as refineries and power plants. One notable innovation is the “oxygen-generating helmet,” which weighs just 1.6 kg and can be worn during fire emergencies and poisonous gas leaks. This helmet provides crucial protection from smoke and toxic gases for up to 30 minutes, showcasing the company’s dedication to enhancing safety in high-risk environments.

The flexibility in product and service offerings is a strategic move aimed at satisfying both the mass market and more discerning clients, including high-net-worth individuals (HNIs). Girish’s approach reflects a deep understanding of the industry’s needs and the importance of adapting to a rapidly changing environment. By prioritizing customer feedback and continuously innovating, the company is well-positioned to lead in the fire safety sector while ensuring that safety remains accessible to all.

Embracing Sustainability for Future Generations

According to Girish, sustainability and environmental responsibility are essential traits for the harmonious survival of future generations on Earth. He emphasizes that “no business or human being can afford to think away from nature,” highlighting humanity’s interconnectedness with the environment. Girish believes these values should be instilled in children from a young age to foster respect for both the creator and creation.

At Impact Fire & Safety Appliances, these principles are diligently followed. Girish has established an NGO focused on health, safety, and environmental issues, known as the International HSE Foundation, based in New Delhi. “Everyone is welcome to join us with their contribution of whatever nature,” he invites, emphasizing the inclusive nature of their mission. The foundation aims to serve at-risk populations that lack the knowledge or resources for their safety.

Through these efforts, Girish demonstrates a commitment to advancing business interests while positively contributing to society. His approach reflects an understanding that true success encompasses social responsibility and environmental stewardship, ensuring a healthier planet for future generations.

Fostering Transformative Innovations

Girish highlights a transformative project aimed at addressing the alarming issue of carcinogenic ingredients in firefighting chemicals and personal protective equipment. According to a survey conducted in the USA, firefighters were acquiring cancer at much higher rates and earlier ages compared to the general population due to exposure to grade-1 carcinogens while performing their duties.

Recognizing the lack of regard for this issue among sellers in the market, who continued to sell untested and uncertified products, Girish took the initiative to invest in research and develop solutions. The company is now focused on educating customers about the harmful effects of these untested chemicals and has committed to supplying only “carcinogen-free” chemicals to the market. As part of this effort, they have destroyed old stocks containing untested ingredients.

By taking a proactive stance and investing in research, Girish and his team are working to transform the industry and protect firefighters’ health and safety. Their commitment to providing carcinogen-free products and educating the market demonstrates a strong sense of social responsibility and a desire to make a positive impact on the industry.

Girish emphasizes that fire safety is a broad field that relies on contributions from various scientific disciplines for its advancement. His team is actively utilizing the latest technology, including software applications, efficient engineering tools, and CRM software, to enhance customer relations and service. Their goal is to provide prompt and efficient support to both existing and prospective customers while striving for “zero defect” targets in the near future.

Trailblazing Together into a Fire-Safe Tomorrow

The workforce is the cornerstone of any successful organization. To foster a culture of growth, skill development, and empowerment among employees, Girish emphasizes their commitment to the team’s wellbeing by investing in skill development, performance-enhancing tools, and leadership training. “It has been a long journey, and we had to face many challenges that small businesses face in India, including lack of finance, technology, and market reach.”

Funding is the main challenge, as it is crucial for addressing other business obstacles. Girish believes that each day should be viewed as a challenge to achieve something meaningful.

There is always a new breed of aspiring entrepreneurs eager to enter innovative industries. To these aspirants, Girish advises, “Keep patience, enjoy the journey, and look beyond their daily struggles. Never lose hope; they have big opportunities waiting to be grasped.”

Looking to the future, Girish shares that Impact Fire & Safety Appliances Pvt. Ltd. has ambitious plans to expand in India and internationally by promoting the “Made in India” brand for commonly used products. “While developing other products, we are in active talks about technology transfer and distribution of high-end technology-based products. We aspire to go public in four years from now. Our NGO is working towards building a training academy in Greater Noida where young graduates and non-graduates could be trained in various job-oriented skills by offering short-term courses and also on-the-job training sessions,” he concludes.

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