K&S Advanced Systems: Delivering Precise Tool to Maximize Performance

by IS_Indust
K&S Advanced Systems

Vibration is a critical concern in Semiconductors Fab and Laboratories. Many tools have strict environmental requirements for satisfactory performance that limit vibrations. To deal with these problems, K&S Advanced Systems developed unique systems and innovative approaches in Active Vibration Control for Precision tools and instruments, which operate in very high-resolution levels.

Danny Shikh, the Co-founder and CEO of the company, aims to bring state-of-the-art technologically advanced products along with End-to-End solutions to cover the environmental vibrations aspect from all angles.

Let’s delve into the varied extensive offerings:

A Dedicated System

K&S Advanced Systems is reshaping the vibration isolation landscape by providing a unique design and patented MVIS (Multi-layer Vibration Isolation Structure) architecture. Precision tools and instruments that operate in high resolutions are sensitive to various environmental conditions—including environmental vibrations.

Less than ten companies worldwide develop and manufacture active vibration control solutions. However, the technology used hasn’t changed for more than 30 years. K&S Developed new architecture, bringing flexible, state-of-the-art technological approaches and solutions to the Active Vibrations Control segment.

Up Ahead

Danny states that the philosophy behind total solution for vibrations issues is that its systems are not limited to avoiding unwanted vibrations from the floor. He says, “We look at unwanted environmental problems much more widely, such as Which equipment suffering from vibrations issues? What outcomes will be if the vibrations level for precision machines increases, predefined by manufacturers’ value? What does that mean in the aspect of Failure Rate? Preventing maintenance? Performance wise? Semiconductor manufacturing Machine Throughput wise?”

All these are essential items in Semiconductors and other precision technological fields. K&S is defined as a goal to provide a solution for all these. “Today, I can proudly mention that Tier one Semiconductor FABs, Machine manufacturers, Electronic Microscopes manufacturers and other industry users show tremendous interest in our products and solutions. By using K&S products, FABs monitored machines performance increase by ~ 25%, compared to exactly same machines operating without using our systems,” explains Danny.

Strengthing Roots

Danny mentions that Semiconductor Industry is moving to a more challenging manufacturing process – 5 and 3 nm junction nodes. These require Semiconductor manufacturing processes and machines for extreme precision performance and conditions.

K&S is implementing Smart Manufacturing (Industry 4.0) methods into the Chip manufacturing process. It supports these capabilities in its product lines. Its engineers continue to develop and innovate Smart Manufacturing Features parallel to Real-time Active Vibration Control functionality. IoT (Internet Of Things), Artificial Intelligence (AI). Machine Learning (ML) functionality. K&S Smart Manufacturing Utility (SMU) has already been implemented and running in leading Semiconductors FABs and Clean Rooms. K&S expects to be a standard creator and leader for Active Vibration Control, combined with Smart Manufacturing capabilities in most Major Semiconductor FABs.

Tackling the Challenges

Currently, most semiconductor capital equipment suffers at least 8% unscheduled downtime and loses another 7% to scheduled maintenance. In a typical Semiconductor FAB, reducing downtime by 1% on a company’s 50 most critical tools can result in revenue opportunities and cost savings nearing $100,000 Million annually.

The industry is trying to adapt itself to technological changes. Adaptation means thinking out of the box and bringing more hi-tech solutions. That’s precisely the point where K&S concentrates its efforts.

Danny adds, “In our vision, new challenges (mostly in the Semiconductor sector) bring the need for new innovative approaches. K&S products provide Full Environmental Monitoring and Control in FAB’s. We have not limited our solutions to a single machine or tool. We are looking at the Vibrations problem in wide aspect, defined as a target Vibrations Real-time monitoring in the entire FAB.”

Resolving vibration problems is a challenging and complicated process. Decades ago, people tried to solve such issues through massive constructions, building special concrete “quiet islands.” This is an old and costly method. K&S systems bring 21st-century solutions to solve this in elegant and cost-effective ways.

What Comes Next

K&S is committed to Innovation! It is always trying to think differently and bring new solutions and capabilities. “In my opinion, coming years will bring more technological challenges and innovation in Semiconductor, Medical, Automotive, and Inspection markets segments. Building new manufacturing facilities and capabilities, driven by Governments, will bring growth for all these industries and establish a new Era at the Technological level,” concludes Danny.

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